Friday, November 30, 2007

Terminator 4?

Why...oh GOD, WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

But then I saw this article on Comingsoon.Net.

I can only hope that one of the men that SAVED the Batman franchise can also save the Terminator franchise. Just ditch the NOW storyline and fast forward to when humans are hunted down by SkyNet.

It's sort of like what I want with an Alien vs. Predator movie. Give me the colonial marines in the middle of a battle of Aliens and Predator(s), that is something you could make kick some arse. I don't get why the war is ALL OF A SUDDEN happening on Earth every couple of years. It doesn't have to happen now, give me a story line of some marines that get in a sticky situation while Ripley is asleep (for 75 years).


mmaier2112 said...

We said this after Alien 3.

Make Alien 4 and in it, part 3 was all a bad dream.

Reese, Newt and Ripley all wake up aged some for some BS reason but otherwise okay.

If the movie's REALLY good, the fans will forgive the dream thing without a second thought.

But I know I'm weird cuz I actually like part 3.

mmaier2112 said...

As for T4, I am beyond any possible pain after enduring T3.

My favorite thing about it was Jason pointing out that they're playing happy music while the world is ending...

I haven't watched it a second time to confirm if he's correct.

Unknown said...

I'm getting you both T3 for Christmas!!!!

Justin said...

Asta La Vista baby..