Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I have a new dog, and his name is Drake. I hope to post some pictures of him soon.

We got home from Indiana on Wednesday morning at 4 AM and with us came a new puppy. My sister in-law was going to surrender him to the pound...Letha and I didn't like that idea and had my brother Mike watch him till we got there (since we were driving to town for the half marathon).

Drake is a bundle of energy. He loves his sister, Kaylee (his ACTUAL sister, same litter), and his female owner Letha. He is over protective of both of them. I believe he looks at me as the Alpha Male in the house hold and really tries to not upset me. He doesn't always deliver. For instance, he has started waking my wife and I up at all EARLY hours in the morning (the poor guy was never housebroken) to take him out. I do prefer that he do this instead of pee his crate and lay in it for hours...but it's taking it's toll on us (both of us are getting sick caused by lack of sleep). He use to sleep through the night at Mike's, but we know he was being underfed (by accident) and I suspect that he was dehydrated (by accident too, but with good reason, as he would have just peed all over Mike's kitchen) which if there is nothing in his system to get rid of then he wouldn't need to go to the bathroom so much.

The issue is that we have to treat him as if he's a puppy. We just got Kaylee to the point where she's fun and trained...and we have to start all over from scratch with Drake. All because (some) people don't think things through before they commit to them, they are only it for their own selfish needs. Dogs (or better yet puppies) are a LOT like children. It is a commitment for the dog's life (10-15 years). You don't just get a dog and then get rid of should be researching what kind of dog you should get for your house, but America is a society of the non-committed. "I don't like ___, it doesn't matter how long we've been together (or how longed I've owned said item), I don't like ___ anymore." If the going gets rough, don't push through and triumph, just give up and go a different way.

It's the American Way!!!

Now don't get me wrong, I like Drake a lot...and one day I'll be proud to say I love the little guy but it's just taxing right now. The good news about the situation is that I can tell he's happy to be with Letha and I (not that he wasn't with my brother Mike, but I didn't see a whole lot of him then). I can't help but think of all the dogs that ARE surrendered to the pound because someone made a quick decision. At least when Letha gets pregnant, I'll have months of reading and prep work before the baby comes. (Most) People don't take the time to find out what kind of animal fits their lifestyle.

The whole experience has been an eye opener...can't wait to see the dog Drake is going to be.


mmaier2112 said...

HEY! You TOLD me to water him like that! You said giving him lots of water when I get home from work and cutting him off about two hours before bedtime was fine. I never liked the idea and that's why I took him out to whiz about every 1 to 1.5 hours. Probably didn't help him develop his bladder that much, but what else could I do?

As if I didn't feel badly enough for the whole "half rations" thing...

Thanks a lot!

I hope Drake accidentally bites your nuts.

Jason L. Maier said...

You did a great job taking of the dog...

It was OUR fault that the water intake for Drake was cut down.