Friday, July 17, 2009

So, my dog is a pothead...

Nope not this one...

this one. So the story begins on Wednesday evening. Kaylee got sick 4 times after dinner. We weren't sure what caused it...but Letha had taken both of them to the park earlier in the day. Yesterday (Thursday) we came home from the park and I found a weed bud in the back seat of the car partially hidden under the blanket we cover the backseat with. I also noticed very green drops of dried up slobber all over the backseat as well. I can only guess since everything was dried that it had been from the day before. So that's our guess as to why my dog threw up all over the place on Wednesday night.

Good thing I didn't get pulled over on my way home from work yesterday..."honestly officer, it's my dog's not mine."


mmaier2112 said...

Silly dog takes after Uncle Mick. Puking instead of getting the munchies.

troy myers said...

i like your dog...