Saturday, August 08, 2009

Big Papi...says it ain't so...

Okay, I will admit that I am biased, especially when it comes to my teams. But I am ready to admit when people screw up...Belichick DID cheat (although he certainly wasn't the only one) and he got caught.

When it comes to David Ortiz, I will believe him. He stated today that he NEVER took steroids, but took MANY over the counter supplements. Why wouldn't he have come forward if he had taken them?

Look at what has happened to A-Rod and Manny...NOTHING and they both have come forward about their steroid use (or taken their suspension). Hell Manny came back to a standing ovation...

So why would Big Papi come out and continue to deny using them if he had in fact used them, it doesn't make any sense to me...

Here are a few articles from the Boston Globe (one editorial and one blog entry) I found worth a read, you know...if you give a crap about baseball.

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