Friday, September 05, 2008

I was recently told...

by a pastor, that the END OF DAYS was coming soon.

He used the fact of the devestating storms that happen a lot recently.

Then I read this article today:

Disasters have been happening ever since this world was created. I have been trying to find my relationship with GOD for a long time just surprises me that people are being scared that the end of days is coming. Our spiritual leaders have been saying it FOR-EV-ER. I believe it is just a scare tactic. Live each day as if it is your last (very few can afford to do that) is the way organized religion tells you to live so MAYBE there won't be so many problems. If you think GOD is going to judge you tomorrow, maybe you won't do what you were going to do today.

Now back to disasters, why is it that people were surprised when Katrina happened? It's not like people in tornado alley are surprised when tornados come knocking on our doors (use to live in it myself). If you live on the coast, ANY COAST, it is a possiblity. If you live in California, don't be surprised when the ground shakes.

Common sense people...use it.

1 comment:

mmaier2112 said...

I do agree... sorta. Yes, faithful have been saying this for 2000 years. Yes, they've been wrong every moment up until at least one second from now.

But it COULD be any day now. You never know. THAT's the point.

"The day will come like a thief in the night."

There's a lot I want to discuss with you, but I really don't know how to start. Give Aaron a call or something. Find someone wiser than I am.

I sort of hope He waits until after I croak to end the world. Or at least lets me shoot Satan's minions and die that way. That would be freaking cool too.