Thursday, October 09, 2008

I haven't watched SNL for a while...

but maybe I should start again. Enjoy the following videos, I know I did:


troy myers said...

mark wahlberg talking to animals is the greatest thing ever...i watched it live and had tears in my eyes by the end.

much to emily's annoyance, i have been walking around with my new catch phrases like "i produce entourage" or "say hello to your mother"

Shane M. White said...

You must have found the ONLY funny clips from this season. I watched the Michael Phelps episode and the Anna Faris episode - and I thought both of them were HORRIBLE.

But, these clips are funny. And some of the Tina Fey/Sarah Palin stuff isn't too bad. But overall, I felt it was a waste of my time to watch them Live. I'll stick to YouTube (or your blog) for the funny ones...