Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm not for either...

of our candidates. I am sick and tired of hearing some people act like Obama is going to save our way of life. Reality check's going to get a LOT worse before it even thinks about getting better.

I haven't done a whole lot of digging on either candidate and I am not sure I'll be voting for either of them (Mickey Mouse would be better in my opinion).

Obama says we need change but doesn't really explain how that change is going to happen (see link above to see how much CHANGE is going to cost us).

McCain keeps saying he's been seasoned for the job with the tough job he's done in Washington. Yet he supports what we are doing in Iraq. Sorry, McCain we shouldn't be trying to force democracy down people's matter how much we want to. Vietnam didn't work and this won't either.

We started the mess in Iraq, we just need to stay there long enough to get something in place so we can leave and it not be taken over by radicals. I don't even care if it's a democracy or not.

I am sick of politics, both our candidates and the downfall of our great country because a few people are just THAT stupid.

The president can't to anything all by himself, he's needs other people in Washington and Washington has sold us down river without a paddle...


mmaier2112 said...

"We started the mess in Iraq, we just need to stay there long enough to get something in place so we can leave and it not be taken over by radicals. I don't even care if it's a democracy or not."

Not gonna happen. No matter when we leave, it's going to go radical after we do.

John Peddie said...

Oh, snap...something else we agree on.