Wednesday, October 15, 2008


that I have seen recently!

I finally found the time to watch THE KINGDOM. The movie stars Jamie Foxx and was directed by Peter Berg. Interesting movie that was saved by it's action sequences. I really enjoyed Ridley Scott's directing in BLACK HAWK DOWN and this movie reminded me of that one, action wise. The story is a little on the slow side but makes up for it anytime there is gun play (very realistic - or so it seemed to me) or explosions.

2.5 stars out of five

Then I think I made a mistake. I watched BODY OF LIES the same night as THE KINGDOM (both take place in the Middle East). This movie was also really interesting, as does the previous movie, it shows a little of both sides of the story. Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe are fantastic and the directing is top notch (another movie by Ridley Scott). I just wish they would have edited it down a bit. I don't need to watch people drive EVERYWHERE.

2.5 stars out of five

Then comes one of those films that is fun, gross and sweet all within 90 minutes. NICK AND NORAH'S INFINITE PLAYLIST is that movie. I do wonder what this movie would have been like without Michael Cera. He was good in it, but I think this movie would have found it's audience if it were in the art circuit. The movie is a lot of fun as you watch the main characters interact. This is going to be like EMPIRE RECORDS and a whole bunch of movie that are fun and involve a lot of music, it's going to live through DVD and be a cult smash. My favorite thing about this movie is how tastefully they handle the only "sex scene" in the movie. It keeps with the innocence of the film.

3.5 out of five

If you are looking for a movie to watch I recommend all three of these. KINGDOM for action, BODY for drama and NICK AND NORAH'S for comedy.


1 comment:

troy myers said...

i completely agree with your statement about nick and norah.
i too feel like it is the kind of movie that will find its audience once the dvd releases, like donnie darko and such.(only better)