Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WARNING: Too cute...

I wish I would have met Drake when he was this small. I picked Letha up from the airport (she flew home with Kaylee) last September and even when I saw Kaylee from a far distance I was so excited to have a puppy of our own. She was so much fun and we were so happy to have her.

These two are adorable and I can't imagine life without the other. They turned 1 year old on June 23rd. We celebrated by taking them to a specialty store for dogs called the Polka Dog Bakery. Here you can buy everything you need for a dog (toys, beds, food, treats). They even have birthday cakes for them. We decided to buy them each a special cookie (King/Queen for a day) and a bag of treats. It's a nice place, and realize the neighborhood it's in is a nice place for it. It's a little pricey...

So...happy birthday to my dogs...I hope to celebrate many more with them.


Justin said...

Thats awesome..I wish too that I could have seen Giles when he was a puppy..

mmaier2112 said...

I keep chuckling looking at these. Thanks, Jay.

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