Monday, June 09, 2008

Everybody was KUNG FU FIGHTING...

okay not everybody...just a Panda, a Tiger, a Mantis, a Crane, a Leopard, a Turtle, a Red Panda, a Viper and a Monkey.

This is a movie that warrants a blog. I just thought that it was going to be one of the "WALK THE LINE" family films like SHREK, but it's not...and it's so much better for it.

I never thought of the SHREK movies (I've only seen the first 2) as being a big deal. Yet, the more I thought of the fact that it was a cartoon for adults, the more it bugged me. The cartoon aspect of the films appeals to a younger audience but the subject matter and the jokes were very much for the older audience. Now...there is much to be said for a movie that can entertain both children and adults, but if it's written well enough it should do that anyway.

THAT'S what KUNG FU PANDA is...well written and a whole lot of fun to watch. I don't care what age you are, I think everyone would enjoy this movie. It reminds me a lot of what Disney movies were like a long time ago. For instance, THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time (I still need to purchase a copy of it for myself) and it still holds up to this day. I remember liking it a lot when I first saw it in Germany...and now I enjoy the movie for it's fun writing and simplicity.

Jack Black as Po (the Panda) is a great casting job. I have enjoyed most of Black's work to date and PANDA is no different.

I heavily recommend this movie:

4 stars out of five

Perhaps it is because Letha and I are planning to start a family soon, but I keep thinking of how bad SEX, DRUGS, and ROCK N' ROLL (or HIP HOP) sell EVERYTHING in this country. I think of little girls watching skank material like Lindsay Lohan or Britney and getting ideas. Not that people should be sheltered from such things...but I am more concerned for the parents who WON'T take the time to see what their kids are doing. I am going to do my best to not become one of those parents.


Shane M. White said...

You have a tag for "State of the World" - that's too cute!

You're going to be an awesome parents - both of you, and I look forward to hearing when you guys make it happen.

And thanks for the review - I need to check this out, sooner than later!

mmaier2112 said...

Why shouldn't kids be sheltered from that shit?

Jason L. Maier said...

All I meant was that it should be up to the parents to decide when they shield their children. I for one would rather them be a little exposed to everything and try to talk to them about why it is wrong...when they are the appropriate age concerning the situation.